Saturday, 8 January 2011

Skills Profile - Filming

I do not have much experience when it comes to filming but I have used previous software that is used in photography. Both would be used in this topic and both for different things.
I have previously learnt about camera angles in media studies last year, and learnt about cinematography, editing, sound, techniques. I also went into depth in these areas learning about things such as Mise-en-Scene (everything in the frame/scene) and also jump-shots (where the camera jumps from shot to shot).

The software which may link to this assignment will be software such as Adobe Premiere and Adobe Photoshop. I have never used Premiere before but am advanced in Photoshop as I have been using it for two years now. I would like to find out about Premiere as it would be beneficial to know how to edit videos differently to Encore. Also knowing how to use Premiere would mean I have covered a vast area of editing software, from photos to videos and also how to create DVD menus. Which is all important when I want to work in the media industry.

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